Monday, November 7, 2016

Twin Flame Research 9

81. They complement each other, and help each other through their process of development. Twin flames are both each other's opposites, and the perfection of themselves. They experience the sense of perfect unity. Their love is unconditional.

82. When the fear has subsided and both Twin Flames are connected to their higher Selves, the love will draw them towards each other like magnets. However, as soon as the slightest amount of fear comes back, it will cause the Twin to create distance and walk away from love by pushing the other half off, by running.

83. Walk this path of transformation separately, individually. This is also called the "bridge over" or separation. Twin usually experience physical separation during this difficult path of healing. Usually this occurs after the "pulling and pushing" phase (runner/stayer). The agony of temporary separation can go immensely deep.

84. Twin flames mirror each other.

85. There can be practical and emotional circumstances which cause one of the Twins to resist recognizing their other half. So how do you know you have met your Twin Flame? There is a deep, overpowering inner knowing. It is a love, so big and disorganizing, that you can hardly get around it. It touches you in the core of your every soul.

86. Twin flames experience an (eternal) pulling and pushing. We are all under a telepathic connection from the moon. Even though this is no planet, you are most definitely involved with it. The moon regulates the pulling and pushing. You can compare it with the Yin and Yang symbol; Yin symbolizes the pulling, while Yang symbolizes the pushing.

87. The love for each other seems to erupt magnetically, there is nothing you have to do. You feel tremendously strong sense of unity.

You feel unconditional love for each other. It feels like coming home.

You understand aspects of life you had never understood before. It feels like you have known each other forever.

You feel completed.

You know exactly how the other is feeling.

You sense you have a mission together in this life.

Every phone call or date with the other seems like the first, and each time creates butterflies.

Telepathic contact.

Meeting each other in dreams.

You can strongly sense each other mood when together and from a distance.

What you share with your Twin Flame cannot be compared to any other relationship or friendship. The feeling you experience towards each other will not occur with anybody else.

The unconditional aspect only disappears when the ego becomes too strong and starts acting and thinking from fear

An enormous amount of conflicts, which can drive you apart. However, Twin Flames always return to each other.

88. Issues if the timing is not right or if one is not ready. Is this is the case then you must let go and let God - let it be what it is for now. You are always connected to one another on a soul level no matter what the circumstance may be, and often the timing is not right if there is still much individual inner work that needs to be done. It this is truly your twin, a complete reunion will occur wen the soul is ready to re-unite.

89. The merger with your Twin Soul connects you directly to God. In this relationship and love with each other you will experience the direct connectedness to God and each other. You will feel the presence of God with you and may even experience visions of God blessing both of you together. In fact it is good to visualize yourself and your beloved kneeling in prayer together before the creator, this will bless your union together whether it be in this lifetime or the next. It is also vitally important to remember that your Twin Soul is an individual and if you are separated from each other, it does not help to force things to happen. Diving timing is the only way you will be brought together. Twin Soul relationships are sacred and are based on unconditional love for each other.

90. And when unconditional love is the foundation, it does not matter what zodiac sign you are or what zodiac sign your twin flame is. There is no greater love compatibility than the gift of the twin flame union. But that does not mean its an easy one. So thats why we need telepathy.

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