Monday, October 31, 2016

Twin Flame Research 4

31. The twin flame stage is setup in such a way that you cant leave, no matter what you try. No matter how good you are in walking away from possibly toxic relationship, you wont be able to break away from this one. The bond is unbreakable, believe me my twin and I tried everything. Even if you are the runner or try to run, the Universe is in-exhaustive in her creativity to push you back to each other.

32. By keeping you locked into the bond with each other a healing process is started that will pull you through every pain or fear you would otherwise never even consider facing until you are cleansed to the core. Your love for each other that started as something that you will later look back on and hardly recognize as love, will only grow deeper as the immense pull keeps pulling you toward each other with a force that you have never felt before in your life. This is scary as hell for both of you, but usually it is the guy that runs.

33. Traditionally, one of them is more emotional person, who knows how to deal with the female power, but often has problems with letting go. In twin flame language, this person is called the chaser. The other part is more a mind driven person, who can function perfectly in the male energy but has a problem dealing with emotions. He is called the runner. The goal for both is to integrate the missing part in themselves. That is why the meeting between the flames is that explosive, because both parts see the part which would make them complete in the other person.

34. A relationship between twin flames is only possible, when both parts are healed and have integrated their missing parts within themselves. Its the most direct mirror in the world you can get and your development as a soul is pushed to a whole other level. That's what makes it so difficult to deal with, because your twin flame triggers your wounds like no one else and challenges us to heal them.

35. Overview of the 5 wounds and their masks:
a. wound of rejection - mask of escape
b. wound of abandonment - mask of dependence
c. wound of betrayal - mask of control
d. wound of humiliation - mask of compliance
e. wound of injustice - mask of rigidity

36. Twin flames are different than soul mates. Soul mates help us reach a point where we energetically evolve to be able to handle and express this love to our twin flame and then the universe as a whole. Twin flames are sort of like the final soul mate. Soul mate relationships are crucial and loving as well, as they help us become brighter and more evolved individuals.

37. THE TWIN FLAME JOURNEY IS NOT ABOUT ROMANCE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Our egos kick back in when we return into 3D reality and a painful push and pull becomes the new normal and in most cases ending in a painful separation. It does not really help to have the other half of our soul in our mind 24/7. We feel like going insane with all the fears and symptoms showing up. "What is it that I have gotten into here and why can I not let go of this?"

38. We often mistake the twin flame connection as a romantic experience because feelings are so intense. It is not in the first place. Romance can be an icing in the cake at a later stage. But before we can have that, there is much more work to do. The quicker we let go of this idea for now, the faster we move forward. The bubble love phase is our personal bait, the carrot in front of our nose pulling us forward. It is kind of like the Universe is saying "HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN HAVE, GET A LITTLE TASTE OF PARADISE ON EARTH. THIS IS HOW LIVING IN THE 5D FEELS LIKE. BUT NOW: BACK TO 3D WITH YOU AND GET TO WORK."

39. The true purpose is to start healing ourselves. This has an effect on the whole family lineage. Twins change the energetic field and timeline for the whole genetic past and clear it so that the children incarnating through this lineage in the future will be born onto New Earth directly. There will be no karma left. The same counts for healing collective pain. When twins have healed enough themselves and have gotten used to the transmutation process of energy which happens through our heart chakras, they will be more and more called into support healing the collective. This will feel uncomfortable in the beginning and can feel like relieving the past as the amount of low vibrations running through our system is much higher than what we handle so far with our own than our twin so that we recognize it and heal it. The inner child, when still in sabotage mode, is the nurturer of the ego, giving it the fear patterns it needs to keep us in fear. When we make our inner child our best friend, and get it to trust us completely, the ego cannot get any energy and is forced to transform into a higher frequency. Fear patterns are reprogrammed into love patterns this way.

40. When you experience huge losses, such as money, home or people, it will show up painfully until we let it go. The more you fight the process, the harder it will get. We are tested if we trust the universal flow, despite dire circumstances. We are asked to drop everything to reach complete freedom. We are driven to let go of the programmed beliefs and templates we took on and leave the 3D matrix for good, There is no place on New Earth for these old energies and we realize we do not need any of it when we are happy and whole. In short, we are guided to find self-love.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Twin Flame Research 3

21. Any energetic imbalances between twin souls can result to pain and chaos. Unlike a soul mate connection, energies within a twin flame union become amplified or doubled. Unconditional love is the key to creating harmony in the twin flame union.

22. 11:11 symbol reminds the twin flame that this is a powerful spiritual union. Twin souls will often come together with a similar purpose to prepare for their individual missions on the planet. These numbers remind the twin to pay attention to the spiritual guidance.

23. 11:11 can also symbolize the bridge or gateway between the two worlds, the physical plane and the spiritual plane. When the twin flames come together in hearts, a portal or opening is created that will allow them to communicate with each other and with the higher planes more easily.

24. It is especially important during these times in a twin flame connection to be as honest and true to ones self and twin, as well as work on self healing, self acceptance, and self love, since what effects one twin can effect the other even at a distance.

25. 11:11 experience is a collective synchronicity that tends to show up whenever you are about to experience with a soul mate who will impact on your life or change you in some deep and profound way.

26. Soul mate connection can become catalyst for soul growth and personal transformation, either in a pleasant or painful way. Either way, the 11:11 synchronicity in connection with a soul mate offers a rare opportunity for expanded consciousness and to propel one forward on their true path.

27. Whatever needs to be healed within ourselves can often be seen reflected in the soul mate and the 11 urges us to learn our lessons in the most unconditionally loving way.

28. 11:11 synchronicity may appear whenever you are about to meet a soul mate or can indicate that you are already in a powerful soul mate connection in your life. The 11 reminds us that we have attracted these soul mates into our lives for a reason and that there is much work to be done on an 'inner' spiritual, mental, spiritual, mental and emotional level.

29. 11:11 gives confirmation that this union is orchestrated by a higher power or the universe.

30. Twin flame process comes to help you birth real love, unconditional love for the other, for yourself and for the world. Once you meet your twin soul you will realize you never knew what true love felt like, until now. The twin flame stage is set up in such a way that you cant leave, no matter what yo try.

Twin Flame Research 2

11. However, they develop a strong telepathic connection and continue communicating through thought forms and  shared dreaming. The less physical contact TFs have in separation, the keener they feel each other 's on a distance.

12. When twin flames run, the are really running from themselves. They are us, we are them, and the connection highlights the parts of us that need working on and fixing in order to become our true selves again. This is major and very scary. We all have faults and it is painful to think about our perceived weakness.

13. Transformation occurs separately, so that all can be clarified and united. Remember, you are never cut off from your twin. Remember, your individuality will serve a purpose, and was never the core of this love. Remember, you are meant to reunite, if this was set in your blueprint.

14. The ego  of your true beloved is not stronger than the will of the cosmos. Or differently phrased, the will of the ego is not stronger that the will of the soul. The soul desires love and harmony. IF you have been ready for each other now, you would have already been together. So there are still parts and pieces that need to be healed.

15. You will know your twin flame because you will feel love beyond your wildest imagination. You will likely experience an explosive inner awakening unlike any other, also known as Kundalini awakening. The twin flame connection is not a relationship. Its a union. Its a taste of divine oneness - where no boundaries exist between any two. The intensity of the twin flame union is the fuel you require to complete your joint mission. If the creator fills the fuel tank but the driver does not plot the course , hit the gas and drive to the destination, it is a great loss - not just or mankind, but also for the twin.

16. When twin flames come together, they often encounter enormous challenges. Though compatible in every regard, they'll find themselves in drastically different circumstances. Their ages may be 30 years part or they may come from incompatible culture or religions. This is because twin flames are here to create a new template for all relationships on planet Earth. They unite to tear down the old societal conventions, traditions and belief systems in order to restore the planet state of harmony, balance and unconditional love.

17. The only reason twin flames find each other in the same lifetime is to fulfill an important soul contract. You don't have to wonder, worry, or try to find your twin flame because the meeting is predestined. Your twin flame will find you and it will happen when you least expect it. In the non-physical realm of spirit, twin flames are already united. There is no separation. They only come together in the physical form to achieve a joint mission that will benefit all beings in the planet, and beyond, because we're all connected at some level. Consequently, if you're meant to connect, your encounter will be unavoidable.

18. This is why you can communicate with the higher self of your twin flame, but not the person in 3D. They love you, but they are under contract in the physical until certain limitations are overcome on both sides. Your higher selves are very good at projecting their love and they are always setting up synchronicity.

19. Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have but against it. - Rumi

20. The 11:11 is sometimes a wake up call for twin flames. It can become a trigger for each soul helping them to awaken them spiritually in preparation of the reunion. The 11:11 represents many things in a twin flame connection. The number 1 itself represents oneness or unity. The two 11's coming together can represent the merging of the two twin souls coming together in union. The double 11's also symbolize the concept of polarity which is a powerful dynamic in a twin soul.

Twin Flame Research 1

1. Soul mates can be brought into our lives in platonic friendships, or those meant to help change our lives -  we may have 10 different soul mates we experience in this lifetime, but there is only ever one Twin Flame. When we see 11:11 it means that our twin flame is ready to manifest itself physically in our lives. We may both be aware of the meeting of our energies that soon will take place -  there is often the feeling that something is going to happen soon. We are becoming more aware of the subtle energies and invisible thread that connects us.

2. 11:11 is a trigger number signaling that things are changing - mostly on a deep inner level. You are becoming aware of your soul self and are being alerted to this by your higher self and the universe.

3. Reunion is above all an energetic process of bringing both Twins' system into one whole - this is why all the past negativity is forced up to the surface in Ascension leading up to reunion, and this is why energy clearings are crucial on this journey.

4. And this is what the twin flame makes us confront. We see those "faults" in ourselves clearer than ever before. This scares us. We experience this great individual and it highlights to us all our faults. We are one, so we reflect each other and attract in to each other the really things we need to heal. The pain constantly comes prior to healing though. With the twin flame's presence we lastly need to confront those things, and on regular basis we dont wish to or arent ready. The extremely things about ourselves from because we have actually been so ashamed are lastly out in the open.

5. Coming face to face with the best and worst of who you are - twin flame mirror

6. Its a fight or flight situation and often twin souls / soul mates run. But remember, this running is needed in order for them to have the distance to make sense of it all and to force them to be with their own feelings to bring them to the surface when they have been laying dormant in the subconscious, reeking havoc. Granted, it could take years or lifetimes, but the point is, if you or your twin soul / soul mate are "running" then it is because this is part of your life path - to get the distance to make sense of this new reality. There is always a choice to either heal ourselves or keep running from ourselves and keep attracting unavailable people who will continue to bring up our issues until we heal them.

7. You are being pushed to heal all of your insecurity and need for validation outside of yourself. Everything that you experience with your Twin Flame is mirroring your own limiting, internal beliefs. The limitations of love that you have carried inside are coming out to be healed. That is why your Twin triggers your deepest pain - so that you can finally clear it. Your task is to see this and take responsibility. And to love yourself as much as you love your twin.

8. Know also that sometimes, the chaser is in fact the runner. They might us their twins lack of commitment or lack of awareness as an excuse to hide behind their own issues. As harsh as it sounds, many twins hide behind excuses that blame their twin, but they are only running away from themselves. They are delaying their own growth.

9. When you avoid all hiding and heal yourself, you will triumph. You unite yourself which is the most important union, and you energetically inspire your twin to do the same. You fulfill beautiful self, regardless of whether you are with your beloved or not.

10. Arguments and fights happens because negativity that each partner is carrying within (usually at a subconscious level) comes to surface.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Twin Flame 11:11

I believe I have found my twin flame.

That longing for the anima, the mirror, the self.

If i backtrack my blog today, there are seemingly pieces of puzzle before I actually realize to complete the last missing puzzle piece.

Before are just my soulmates, but meeting the twin flame is the highest form of a soulmate.

I never understand what 11:11 means when it was presented to me before, it was.. actually a sign my twin flame is just around the corner.

I will be waiting for my twin flame reunion, and when that happens, we will never be separated ever again.