Friday, April 22, 2011

Qoute #54

Now I know and I can sense you
You whisper onto me and i know
You always make me cry

Why do you have to put me into this mess?
What is so special with me?
I want you out of my life

I dont need you

I dont want to live in hell
I dont want to be with you
So please dont bother change me

I am not build to live like this
You dont deserve me
Heaven please help me
I am so afraid...
I am so frightened..

My heart beats so fast
I cannot understand what i am feeling now
I just know i am so afraid of you
Let me go I tell you
Let me go!

I repent from my sins
I tried so hard to change
I know God accepted me again
I come back to Him with all I can

Are you jealous that ive come back to Heaven?
Hell isnt a home for me..
I know i dont fit to stay there
I know i dont belong there

Let me go I tell you Let me go!
I dont want to see you again
I dont want to hear you again
Vanish into thin air!
Vanish forever!

Alleluia! My God, dont leave me now
The devil is trying to ruin my life again
Please help me, give me light
I am so afraid ill lose you God

I am so afraid..
I am so frightened..
I am shaking to death..
Its cold.. really cold...

Dont leave me alone,
God i need you..
God dont let me go..
God help me please..


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