41. Ultimately realize their mistake and become more understanding and compassionate, they make positive changes, and fully explore their life and become enlightened.
42. Twin Flame relation is soul based relationship, hence we have to make changes in our self first, resolve all inner emotional skeletons, like ego, anger, frustrations, depressions, fear, lack of love, etc we have to accept the other twin unconditionally without any expectations or desires, which will create a positive resonance within our being.
43. If you cant interact, accept it. You will feel a great relief when you tell yourself "I accept that my TF does not talk to me at the moment. She/He has own reasons for staying quiet yet I'm not the reason because I've done nothing wrong. It'll be better" Time frames are expectations.
44. There's my long gone then found other half in this beautiful body. I accept you entirely and I want you back. Does it make your heart chakra vibrate better?
45. You/we are students here on the Earth, graduating to the next level, mostly through healing the self, clearing DNA and decrypting messages received by the heart.
46. For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who does not understand growth, it would look like complete destruction. - Cynthia Occelli
47. When we awaken to our truth, we realize we are free - Kristi Bowman
48. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation - Osho
49. The degree to which your consciousness expands, is the degree to which you understand yourself and the Universe. - Gina Charles
50. Then love flows back and forth and the Soul is awakened to its glory. You are in paradise even though you live in the lower world. The physical body will still express emotional and mental qualities, but your energies, your direction, and your upliftment come from the Soul. And that, Beloved, is a beautiful place to live.
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