152. Either one of you or both of you run from relationship because of fear, also one or both of you at some point want to make it work.
153. Twin flame might project personal issue you maybe having, remember youor other half is your mirror, so go work on yourself when needed.
154. You are never over them, you miss them and always feel its not over, even though the physical circumstances prevent you from being together. You fee intense pain because of the separation.
155. If you are not ready to continue or to embark on your own soul journey- a journey to the center of you - then meeting your twin flame can be excruciating and cause great turmoil. Know that if you have met your Twin Flame, there is work for you to do. You will meet your own Shadow. It wont be all fun and roses. There will be lessons to learn. Take notes.
156. No matter whats going on - apply love and it will eventually heal. Clear the fear blocks and you open up again. This is why the hear is crucial to the Twin Flame connection, because if your mind is running the show, your heart cant do the job its supposed to keep your connection open and guide you to your Twin in love.
157. You cannot force reunion force reunion and furthermore, the mirror does work both ways. Remember that your twin is in pain as well as you at this point. Their stuff is coming up as much as yours is.
158. 1-1-1-1.Oneness of God, oneness of mans relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose. Oneness ine very effort oneness!
159. E Pluribus Unum - Out of many, One
160. True love of the Twin Soul is protected and ordained by a higher will, continuing to consume the two twins in separation until eventually they are driven back together. What was once whole will never stop wanting to be whole, and the two souls will never stop trying to reunite no matter how the runner pushes aagainst it.
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