181. When your twin flame is manifesting themselves in your life yoou may see the numbers 1111. Twin flame is an esoteric oncept, which describes a uique soul connection between two people. Twin flame is supposed to be the example of an eternal relationship between two lovers.
182. Typically, it is the masculine energy that is classed as the runner and the feminine the chaser. But they can both switch roles and in truth both the runner and chaser are in fact runners. The runner runs from the connetion and the emotions and from self, and the chaser runs from self healing by expecting the other to fill in their voids. Both are running from healing themselves. It is important to note that mostly this is an unconscious pattern on the part of both the runner and chaser. It is part of the twin flame lessons to bring thei unconscious patterns into conscious awareness and then they can stop the cycle and make a lot of progress in doing so.
183. It is easy to get caught up in the victim mode and take it personally when your twin flame is running from you but really they are rnning from themselves. They are running from feeling their emotions because any intense emotions, whether love or fear, will bring up past emotions which havent been processed. The masculine in particular will be very afraid of opening that can of worms because they often find it difficult to process their emotions in general. There is fear that the intense emotions will overwhelm them and sweep them away into destruction. So the runner twin flame and the chaser avoids looking inwards and feeling their emotions a all cost. The chaser often focusses on balming the runner in an attempt to avoid responsibility for looking within and creating their own happiness.
184. Runners are running away from what they see reflected back at themselves through you.They run because they worry that they cannot heal themselves, cannot change, that they will fail, that they do not deserve love. Running can be described at a refusal to communicate effectively or at all, hot or cold behavior, keeping the chaser at arms length, cutting all ties, denying there is a connection, pushing away out of self-sabotage, acting appallingly to make you become the runner, staying in safe relationships with others, being consumed with addictions to distract them etc.
185. But there is hope. Twin Flame runners are running through ego fears. But twin flame connection force a person to come into their soul consciousness no matter how much they try and fight it. Eventually, because the soul is infinitely stronger than the ego, they will be too exhausted to fight their higher self which is bringing them into their truth. There will come a stage when the ego will no loner be strong enough to have control and the higher self will take over the steering. This will be the stage when the runner feels that running from self is just too tiring and they will be sick of living in their fears and illusions. The fears will become a burden and they will feel strongly pulled to let go of this heavy baggage.
186. When a chaser is running after a twin, it only makes the runner run more because they are trying to force the runner to face themselves before they are ready. Also the chaser is full of fear which is a dense energy and is an illusions, therefore pushing the runner away in such a low vibration. Often chase are running from facing their pain from past abandonment issues. The runner is running also from being abandoned because they fear history repeating itself from their own past.
187. Chaser twin can be very demanding, critical, intense, clingy and this only serves to make the runner twin feels as though they are expected to fill a bottomless pit which they cannot fill. A runner twin flame cannot make a chaser twin flame twin whole if the chaser is not whole within themselves first.
188. You can observe your own role in this and put a stop to it. Then your twin flame will be forced to reflect that balance back to you. Give them the space they need to exhaust themselves off their own back and not because of you. Let them have the space to realize they are unhappy because of themselves and not because of your nagging or clinging. It could take years before they truly awaken, bu if that is the case, then that is what the universe planned and there needs to be an acceptance of that. Everything happens the way it should.
189. You are supposed to reconnect with yourself, love yourself and create wholeness within. Your raising vibration will travel through your merged chakras, heart chakras and cause your twin flame to raise in vibration automatically. However, you need to raise your vibration for your own sake and not just to be with your twin. The universe will know if you are only trying to achieve a higher vibration just to get your twin flame back to fill in voids.
190. Sadness, anger, conflict, regret, shame, fear, jealousy, worry are all energies. They are just like dust on a surface or mud tires, they are not who you are. You as a soul are pure light and love.
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