121. Many think they have done something wrong when the symptoms of the Dark Night appear. Especially if they just went through so much perceived spiritual growth. This is furthest from the truth. When you find yourself in the Dark Night show gratitude because you are going through a sort of rites of passage or a spiritual detox.
122. The pain you feel is the pain you have tried to suppress for years, decades, and even lifetimes. It is now finally bubbling up to the surface to be healed with love you give it.
123. We meet our twin flame with instant understanding and having the feeling of knowing each other. We go through the mental and emotional baggage and often run or chase. We spiritually awaken each other and see the depth of each others soul. Twin Flame unions are much more than a relationship.
124. In order for the Twin Flame reunion, each of you must be ready and should have learnt different aspect of the world. The soul mate relationships therefore teaches you various aspects of life such as love, loss and how to handle feelings
125. Maturity is the greatest factor considered before twin flame reunion as the connection is noted to be strong and intense to handle. Therefore only those that have mastered the art of controlling themselves and their lives can be given the privilege to help their twin with their lives.
126. The separation of twins happens at the beginning of their lifetimes, allowing them to explore the world individually until the age of maturity to handle each other.
127. We may inhabit a physical body, but that is not all we truly are. We are consciousness energy, an energetic consciousness made manifest in physical form.
128. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency.
129. Time is an illusion - Albert Einstein. He believed there is not true division between past and future, there is rather a single existence.
130. Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in evolution. Ascension is a state of being. A focus of awareness and consciousness into a higher vibration frequency. It is what we were created for.
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