172. Whatever we think about, whatever we concentrate on, whether its fear and loss, feeling desperate or trusting and feeling joy and love - we manifest more and more of that into our physical lives as reflections of our thinking. Finally we realized that we had been worrying so much about losing our twin, of being unworthy of love of being rejected, that I was sending out intense negative emotions (frequencies) into the universe and so the universe was reflecting back to me more and more situations and thoughts to make me feel fear and pain and everything i was thinking about. I was pushing him away with my vibration. We are creators. The law of attraction is totally real.
173. Some people are waiting for their twin flame in terms of actually putting their life on hold because they feel they cannot continue to grow without them in a physical relationship. This is entirely missing the point. This time of separation is meant to help you overcome that old way of thinking. Not Keeping you stuck in it. The reason you are stuck in misery and feeling like a victim is because you are choosing to be that, you are choosing to ignore your own growth by blaming your twin for the biggest gift they are offering you!
174. Its fine to hope for a physical reunion, but we need to love ourselves enough to take this as the opportunity as it is intended to be, to become conscious of what is real and what is illusion. Only when we are in the vibration of truth, which is love, then can we align with true love of our twin flame.
175. A twin flame makes you live in the now. So many get caught up reliving the past and they have issues with abandonment. They freeze in fear of history repeating itself. These fears are supposed to come up and its a good thing - they are looking for you to acknowledge them to be cleared. But some get caught up in the future potential of their connection as a means to try and skip looking within for their own healing. Both are avoiding looking within in different ways. But these polarities lead the twins eventually to eventually balance each other out so they both learn to live in the now were the past is over and the future is something to distract ourselves with. Through seeking answers, truth, support from God, we are brought back into ourselves. We strengthen within and this centering brings us back to our truth which is the now. Then the realization happens that all fears are illusions because fear is simply of something bad happening in the future.
176. A twin flame brings you back to yourself. The illusions you once lived in only took you away from knowing yourself. Meeting your twin flame and going through all the lessons, fear, ups and downs, revelations etc eventually you emerge uplifted, full of wisdom and insight into the real you. What a beautiful gift this twin flame connection is! Not for the faint of heart, but for the brave, to emerge, shining on ones truth, weightless, soaring. And this my friends, is the most important truth about twin flames, o discover self again, for they are the reflection of yourself after all. So any challenges you face, embrace them, love them, know that they wont destroy you, but they are here to empower you! Fear, pain and change are exciting challenges to self-mastery. This is truly is the greatest gift.
177. Guides made us see how we had been living in low vibration energy without realizing it and that twin flames cannot unite as long as these dense energies of fear, desperation and illusion are still lurking within us. They taught me how to truly dissolve my fears and how to raise my vibration to the level needed in order to assist my twins vibration raise too in reflection. Before i had been all about fear and this was just reflecting back to me in my twin too.
178. The job of twins is to create a new template for all relationship on our beautiful Gaia. Uniting not in ego, but coming together to tear down old societal conventions, traditions and belief systems to restore a harmonious balance of love for all.
179. Your inner child is the key that unlocks all your dos to wholeness and oneness.
180. There are many lessons when one connects with their twin flame, but there is one main reasn which is to teach each other about accepting love without fear, and to heal each other of pain and loss and eventually to bring the souls back together again.
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