31. The twin flame stage is setup in such a way that you cant leave, no matter what you try. No matter how good you are in walking away from possibly toxic relationship, you wont be able to break away from this one. The bond is unbreakable, believe me my twin and I tried everything. Even if you are the runner or try to run, the Universe is in-exhaustive in her creativity to push you back to each other.
32. By keeping you locked into the bond with each other a healing process is started that will pull you through every pain or fear you would otherwise never even consider facing until you are cleansed to the core. Your love for each other that started as something that you will later look back on and hardly recognize as love, will only grow deeper as the immense pull keeps pulling you toward each other with a force that you have never felt before in your life. This is scary as hell for both of you, but usually it is the guy that runs.
33. Traditionally, one of them is more emotional person, who knows how to deal with the female power, but often has problems with letting go. In twin flame language, this person is called the chaser. The other part is more a mind driven person, who can function perfectly in the male energy but has a problem dealing with emotions. He is called the runner. The goal for both is to integrate the missing part in themselves. That is why the meeting between the flames is that explosive, because both parts see the part which would make them complete in the other person.
34. A relationship between twin flames is only possible, when both parts are healed and have integrated their missing parts within themselves. Its the most direct mirror in the world you can get and your development as a soul is pushed to a whole other level. That's what makes it so difficult to deal with, because your twin flame triggers your wounds like no one else and challenges us to heal them.
35. Overview of the 5 wounds and their masks:
a. wound of rejection - mask of escape
b. wound of abandonment - mask of dependence
c. wound of betrayal - mask of control
d. wound of humiliation - mask of compliance
e. wound of injustice - mask of rigidity
36. Twin flames are different than soul mates. Soul mates help us reach a point where we energetically evolve to be able to handle and express this love to our twin flame and then the universe as a whole. Twin flames are sort of like the final soul mate. Soul mate relationships are crucial and loving as well, as they help us become brighter and more evolved individuals.
37. THE TWIN FLAME JOURNEY IS NOT ABOUT ROMANCE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Our egos kick back in when we return into 3D reality and a painful push and pull becomes the new normal and in most cases ending in a painful separation. It does not really help to have the other half of our soul in our mind 24/7. We feel like going insane with all the fears and symptoms showing up. "What is it that I have gotten into here and why can I not let go of this?"
38. We often mistake the twin flame connection as a romantic experience because feelings are so intense. It is not in the first place. Romance can be an icing in the cake at a later stage. But before we can have that, there is much more work to do. The quicker we let go of this idea for now, the faster we move forward. The bubble love phase is our personal bait, the carrot in front of our nose pulling us forward. It is kind of like the Universe is saying "HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN HAVE, GET A LITTLE TASTE OF PARADISE ON EARTH. THIS IS HOW LIVING IN THE 5D FEELS LIKE. BUT NOW: BACK TO 3D WITH YOU AND GET TO WORK."
39. The true purpose is to start healing ourselves. This has an effect on the whole family lineage. Twins change the energetic field and timeline for the whole genetic past and clear it so that the children incarnating through this lineage in the future will be born onto New Earth directly. There will be no karma left. The same counts for healing collective pain. When twins have healed enough themselves and have gotten used to the transmutation process of energy which happens through our heart chakras, they will be more and more called into support healing the collective. This will feel uncomfortable in the beginning and can feel like relieving the past as the amount of low vibrations running through our system is much higher than what we handle so far with our own than our twin so that we recognize it and heal it. The inner child, when still in sabotage mode, is the nurturer of the ego, giving it the fear patterns it needs to keep us in fear. When we make our inner child our best friend, and get it to trust us completely, the ego cannot get any energy and is forced to transform into a higher frequency. Fear patterns are reprogrammed into love patterns this way.
40. When you experience huge losses, such as money, home or people, it will show up painfully until we let it go. The more you fight the process, the harder it will get. We are tested if we trust the universal flow, despite dire circumstances. We are asked to drop everything to reach complete freedom. We are driven to let go of the programmed beliefs and templates we took on and leave the 3D matrix for good, There is no place on New Earth for these old energies and we realize we do not need any of it when we are happy and whole. In short, we are guided to find self-love.
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