11. However, they develop a strong telepathic connection and continue communicating through thought forms and shared dreaming. The less physical contact TFs have in separation, the keener they feel each other 's on a distance.
12. When twin flames run, the are really running from themselves. They are us, we are them, and the connection highlights the parts of us that need working on and fixing in order to become our true selves again. This is major and very scary. We all have faults and it is painful to think about our perceived weakness.
13. Transformation occurs separately, so that all can be clarified and united. Remember, you are never cut off from your twin. Remember, your individuality will serve a purpose, and was never the core of this love. Remember, you are meant to reunite, if this was set in your blueprint.
14. The ego of your true beloved is not stronger than the will of the cosmos. Or differently phrased, the will of the ego is not stronger that the will of the soul. The soul desires love and harmony. IF you have been ready for each other now, you would have already been together. So there are still parts and pieces that need to be healed.
15. You will know your twin flame because you will feel love beyond your wildest imagination. You will likely experience an explosive inner awakening unlike any other, also known as Kundalini awakening. The twin flame connection is not a relationship. Its a union. Its a taste of divine oneness - where no boundaries exist between any two. The intensity of the twin flame union is the fuel you require to complete your joint mission. If the creator fills the fuel tank but the driver does not plot the course , hit the gas and drive to the destination, it is a great loss - not just or mankind, but also for the twin.
16. When twin flames come together, they often encounter enormous challenges. Though compatible in every regard, they'll find themselves in drastically different circumstances. Their ages may be 30 years part or they may come from incompatible culture or religions. This is because twin flames are here to create a new template for all relationships on planet Earth. They unite to tear down the old societal conventions, traditions and belief systems in order to restore the planet state of harmony, balance and unconditional love.
17. The only reason twin flames find each other in the same lifetime is to fulfill an important soul contract. You don't have to wonder, worry, or try to find your twin flame because the meeting is predestined. Your twin flame will find you and it will happen when you least expect it. In the non-physical realm of spirit, twin flames are already united. There is no separation. They only come together in the physical form to achieve a joint mission that will benefit all beings in the planet, and beyond, because we're all connected at some level. Consequently, if you're meant to connect, your encounter will be unavoidable.
18. This is why you can communicate with the higher self of your twin flame, but not the person in 3D. They love you, but they are under contract in the physical until certain limitations are overcome on both sides. Your higher selves are very good at projecting their love and they are always setting up synchronicity.
19. Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have but against it. - Rumi
20. The 11:11 is sometimes a wake up call for twin flames. It can become a trigger for each soul helping them to awaken them spiritually in preparation of the reunion. The 11:11 represents many things in a twin flame connection. The number 1 itself represents oneness or unity. The two 11's coming together can represent the merging of the two twin souls coming together in union. The double 11's also symbolize the concept of polarity which is a powerful dynamic in a twin soul.
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