1. After you plant a seed in the ground, you don't dig it up every week to see how it is doing
2. Like salt in a sauce, too much overwhelms the dish too little is similarly distracting; but just the right amount allows the other flavors to dominate our experience.
3. Refusal to accept responsibility is also seen as a sign that nothing was learned or will be changed as a result of past setbacks and error.
4. Great bosses convince others they are in control when the shit hits the fan.
5. Recipe for an effective apology
A. No sugar coating
B. Take the blame fully.
C. Apologize fully
D. Take immediate control over what you can.
E. Explain what you have learned.
F. Communicate what you will do differently.
G. Get credit for improvements.
6. Tricks for taking charge
A. Talk more than others but not the whole time
B. Interrupt people occasionally and dont let then interrupt you much
C. Cross your arms when you talk
D. Use positive talks
E. try a little flash of anger every now and then
F. If you are not sure whether to sit or stand, stand up
G. Ask your people what they need to succeed and then try to give it to them
H. Tell people about your pet peeves and quirks.
I. Give away some power or status, but make sure everyone knows it was your choice
7. Fight as if you are right, listen as if you are wrong.
8. If you see something different, go ahead and disagree. I dont know all the answers.
9. Fight for what you believe, but gracefully accept defeat.
10. 11 Commandments for wise bosses
A. Have a strong opinions and weakly held beliefs
B. Do not treat others as it they are idiots
C. Listen attentively to your people, dont just pretend to hear what they say
D. Ask a lot of good questions
E. Ask others for help and gratefully accept their assistance
F. Do not hesitate to say "I dont know"
G. Forgive people when they fail, remember the lessons and teach them to everyone
H. Fight as if you are right, and listen as if you are wrong
I. Do not hold grudges after losing an argument. Instead, help the victors implement their ideas with all your might
J. Know your foibles and flaws, and work with people who correct and compensate for your weakness
K. Express gratitude to your people
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