Saturday, August 31, 2013

Excerpt #3

21. “Truly powerful people don't explain why they want respect. They simply don't engage someone who doesn't give it to them.” 

22. “The more independent you are of him, the more interested he will be.” 

23. “Men don't respond to words. What they respond to is "no contact".” 

24. “The most attractive quality of all is dignity.” 

25. “Until he gives you a reason not to trust him, behave as though you trust him.”

26. “Men control the world, but women control the men.”

Excerpt #2

11. “He should accept me as I am!” says the woman who is too nice.
Accept you? Oh no, sister. Slap yourself. He should want you
madly. Acceptance has nothing to do with it. He accepts a
doormat. But he desires his dreamgirl.” 

12. “The bitch is an empowered woman who derives tremendous strength from the ability to be an independent thinker, particularly in a world that still teaches women how to be self-abnegating. This woman doesn't live someone else's standards, only her own.” 

13. “If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em.” 

14. “UncondiTional love is a beauTiful Thing. JusT be sure To
give iT after your conditions have been meT ” 

15. “You always want what you cant have” 

16. “Men can shift gears from romantic to practical - and so can the bitch.”

17. “Be an independent thinker at all times, and ignore anyone who attempts to define you in a limiting way.” 

18. “That's the big picture, your happiness. And health. You should never care what a man thinks of you -- until he demonstrates to you that he cares about making you happy. If he isn't trying to make you happy, then send him back from "whence" he came because winning him over will have no benefit. At the end of the day, happines, joy...and yes...your emotional stability...those comprise the only measuring stick you really need to have.” 

19. “When you live life with him or without him, that is when he will accept and value you for who you are.” 

20. “He must feel that you choose to be with him, not that you need to be with him.”

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Excerpt #1

1. When you receive the present, you no longer spend your time dreaming about being somewhere else.

2. In order to find the present for yourself, think of the times where you were the happiest and most successful.

3. When you are fully engaged in what you are doing your mind does not wander and you are happy. You are intent only on what is happening at the moment.

4. Being in the present means focusing on what is happening right now! It means appreciating the gifts you are offered everyday.

5. The more you look at what is wrong, the less energy and confidence you have. That's why you find yourself in a bad situation, it is important to look for what is right,even if its hard to find. Then appreciate and build on it. 

6. Living in the present, learning from the past and planning for the future is not all there is.

It is only when you live with purpose and respond to whats important about the present, past and future, that it all has meaning.